About Us
The TransGroup team have established a strong reputation in the area of project management and transport planning projects. Each of our team members is a specialist in their respective fields including, but not limited to: transport and land use planning; transport planning; project management; contract administration; transport modelling; traffic engineering; environmental engineering and impact assessment.
Stein Grodum
With 35 years’ experience as a project manager, transport planner and construction contract administrator in consulting and state government, Stein is a leading transport professional in Queensland. He has specialist skills in project development, contract administration, strategic planning, network/corridor planning, major infrastructure planning, integrated transport planning, policy development, detailed planning/design and business planning. Stein also has extensive program and project management experience.
Gavin Williams
Project Manager
Mr. Williams has over 26 years experience working in the local and state government sectors. During his career in Brisbane City Council and in his contracting roles with Transport and Main Roads he has gained extensive experience in the delivery of a wide variety of capital infrastructure projects and programs including complex civil projects, major road projects, bikeways and bridge and culvert projects. Gavin is currently contracting to Brisbane City Council delivering civil infrastructure projects and previously contracted in a fly in fly out position with South West Regional Program Office as Senior Project Manager as part of the $1.08 billion flood recovery program and through this experience and his previous contracted roles has gained a thorough knowledge of the State and Federal Governments funding and grants processes for funding of civil infrastructure projects.
Qualifications:- Diploma of Project Management 2000, Registered Project Manager 2004, Certified Practicing Project Director, Member Australian Institute of Project Managers
Fields of Special Competence:- Mr Williams is specialised in the delivery of Local and State Government Capital Infrastructure Projects and Programs, including road safety related projects, new major road projects and upgrades, bikeways planning, civil design and construction.
Emma Kirkby
Senior Transport Planner
Emma has over 15 years experience in Australia and overseas in project and program management including extensive work in strategic transport planning, transport policy development, integrated transport and corridor planning.
As a transport consultant, Emma’s skillset involves distilling technical outputs into easily understood documents with her analysis forming recommendations to inform client decision-making.
Emma has extensive project management and project planning experience as both a client and consultant including acting Project Manager during the development of Connecting SEQ 2031.
Key Capabilities :-Project management, Communication skills, Professional writing – reports and documentation, Analysis of complex issues and solutions into concise, easy to understand material for decision makers, Integrated transport and land use planning, Project planning, Strategic and corridor planning, Relationship and partnership building, Stakeholder and community consultation
Key Projects Snapshot :-Draft Connecting SEQ 2031: 2008-10, draft South East Queensland Regional Plan (transport chapters): 2008, Northern Busway peer review: 2006-07, SEQ HOV Network Plan (2009-2010), Eastern Busway CDIMP (2006-07), Eastern Busway Business Case (2007-08), SEQ Park and Ride Strategy (2008-09), Pacific Motorway Upgrade (2007-08), 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games Transport Plan (2015)
Ben Blyth
Principal Transport Engineer
With more than 15 years global experience as a traffic engineer and transport planner in both consulting and in state government, Ben’s specialist skills include transport modelling, public transport system planning, traffic analysis, impact assessment, road safety and integrated transport planning.He has dedicated his career to servicing the traffic engineering and transport planning needs of clients in Australia, the UK, Asia, the United Arab Emirates and the Republic of Ireland.
TransGroup has a well-recognised reputation for undertaking consultancies in the area of project managing transport projects and the multi-discipline facets associated with delivering the state government transport objectives.Our team members demonstrate high-level project management skills and conceptual and analytical skills, which have been applied to a broad range of transport infrastructure projects outlined in ‘Our Projects’.
We have worked with a wide range of tools and systemswhen developing innovative and lateral integrated transport solutions in line with state government policies and procedures. These include strategic management frameworks, project management methodologies, consultation procedures, area/corridor study approaches/systems, decision making frameworks, and supporting technical tools such as demand forecasting, statistical packages, GIS, spreadsheet analysis, economic evaluation and cost estimation to develop comprehensive information to allow decision makers to make informed decisions.